WaterFire Sharon PA has quickly established itself as a premier art and music festival after attracting over 70,000 attendees over three events in its inaugural season in 2013. Featuring creative and talented regional artisans and craftsmen and diverse musicians and performing artists, the 2024 season planning is well underway. Celebrating our 13th season, WaterFire Sharon has scheduled two events taking place on Saturday, July 26th, open to the public from 2pm-11pm and Saturday, September 20th, open to the public 2pm-10pm.
WaterFire Sharon PA is a unique artistic display of fifty-five floating braziers (bonfires) containing logs of pine wood burning throughout the night on the Shenango River, in the heart of downtown Sharon. Accompanying the beautiful images of fire on water, is an eclectic mix of music from around the world. Lightings begin at dusk and the fires are tended until 11:00pm in July and 10pm in September.
WaterFire began in Providence, R.I. 1994 with the first event in Sharon in August of 2013. Become a part of the attraction as an art and craft vendor – attend one WaterFire or both of our events. A juried selection process has been established to ensure the quality of all attending artisans and craftsmen.
Artisan Marketplace Vendors
Please Note:
- This is an online application (ZAPP).
- There are two events in 2024: July 27th and September 21st
- Apply early.
- Your success is important to us but we are committed to family experiences.
- We reserve the right to reject merchandise on event day if you’ve not represented your wares in good faith.
Food Vendors
Please Note:
- This is not an online application
- There are two events in 2024: July 27th and September 21st
- Apply early. Space is limited.
- All applications must be accompanied by a $50 security deposit and proof of insurance listing Community Events, LLC, and the City of Sharon as additional insured.