Linda Brink’s work will represent Sharon’s September 27th, 2014 WaterFire.
LINDA R. BRINK- Watercolor Artist
Linda Brink is an accomplished watercolorist who currently resides in Brookfield OH. Her interest in art has been a life-long love. Linda’s paintings not only display what she sees but she also incorporates a depth of emotion that reflects her passion for life. Her flowing brush strokes and use of color add a rich artistic dimension to her portraits and landscapes. She has studied under Sherry Liscio and credits Sherry with helping to develop her watercolor skills.
Linda’s work has been displayed in many regional shows and has received several top awards.
Her paintings are displayed in several area galleries and can be seen and purchased online at and also on Facebook at
Linda’s original paintings have been sold both locally and internationally. Commissioned paintings are also available by request.